Traffic "Interconnection" Breaks Three Barriers Again

On April 17, the State Council promulgated the "Development Plan for the Urban Agglomeration in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River" and proposed to build China's fourth-largest economic growth pole, bringing unprecedented opportunities for the cooperative development of Jiangxi, Hubei, and Hunan.

The "plan" proposes to promote the reform of integrated transportation and urban transport development and innovation. Establish a management system and coordination mechanism that adapts to the development of comprehensive transportation, explore the implementation of efficient and unified planning and management of various modes of transportation, and promote the sharing of urban group traffic. Promote the construction of comprehensive transportation hubs and the construction of passenger and freight hubs, promote the integration of passenger tickets and multimodal transportation, open international freight trains, and strengthen the organic convergence of multiple transportation modes. Exploring the reform of the logistics management system to break down the fragmentation of the logistics business of the urban agglomeration of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and regional blockade, and reduce the cost of logistics companies.

Next, how will the road transport of the urban agglomerations in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River be promoted, and how can we realize the development of the regional transportation integration of the three cities of the Xiaoxiang and Hubei?

A. Three provincial barriers have gradually been broken

It is understood that in recent years, the provinces of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River have been studying the comprehensive transportation plans for the urban agglomerations in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, but the progress has not been satisfactory. For example, there are still several provincial “breaking roads” on the expressway, as if only one is a road tiger, causing inconvenience to the people of the three provinces of Fujian, Hunan and Hubei.

Xie Qiang, Deputy Director of the Department of Communications of Hubei Province, introduced that the implementation of the “Development of the Axis Functions of the Two Horizontal, Horizontal, and Three Longitudinal Lines along the Yangtze River, Shanghai-Kunming, Beijing-Guangzhou, Beijing-Guangzhou, and Beijing-Guangzhou, and Guangzhou-Guangzhou Development” proposed in the Development Plan for the City Cluster of the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River must be accelerated "Iron, water, public, and air" transport infrastructure interconnection.

"The promulgation and implementation of the "Development Plan for the City Clusters in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River" has marked the end of the era of sweeping snow. The transportation departments of the three provinces must work together as one family to seek common development." Xie Qiang said.

As early as 2012, the traffic department chiefs of the four provinces of Fujian, Hunan, and Hubei gathered in Xianning to link the key projects of highways and ports. In recent years, transportation directors (directors) of four cities in Wuhan, Changsha, Hefei, and Nanchang have held consultation meetings almost every year to discuss the comprehensive transportation planning for the urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.

In the next step, the three provinces of Jiangxi, Hunan and Hubei will strengthen the overall transportation planning, continue to work together to promote interconnection and interoperability, and strive to speed up the “inter-provincial decapitated road” and open up the “obstruction of the Yangtze River” to improve the level of development of urban transport services.

B. Interconnection and water transportation

The realization of the “iron, water, public, and air” transport infrastructure interconnection and interoperability has taken action in water transport.

At the end of last month, the port and shipping departments and key port companies of the three provinces and cities of Fujian, Hunan and Hubei Province gathered in Wuhan to hold a joint waterway cooperation conference for urban groups in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River to plan the development of water transportation in the middle reaches of the city. The three provinces and ports and shipping bureaus will strengthen in-depth cooperation in the six major areas of planning and docking, channel connectivity, port cooperation, corporate alliances, port and shipping management, and security and emergency response, and will strive to serve the urban agglomerations in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.

In terms of planning and docking, the three provinces will focus on strengthening the convergence and communication of major port project planning and pre-project work, and strive to incorporate major projects such as waterway regulation and large-scale port engineering into the scope of national planning.

In terms of cooperation in waterway construction, the three provinces will work together to promote the “645” deep-water channel regulation of the Yangtze River. Joint efforts will be made to promote the regulation of the Songhu River waterway in the “Four South Rivers of Jingnan” to form a major north-south waterway, connect the Jianghan Canal and the Han River, and take the waterway north to Henan and Shaanxi.

In terms of port cooperation, the three provinces will give full play to the role of Wuhan Port, Yueyang Port, and Jiujiang Port in the development of the division and strengthen cooperation in division of labor. Strengthen the status of the central cities of Wuhan, Changsha, and Nanchang, and strengthen the cooperation in division of labor, differentiation, and alliance-based development among the urban port and enterprise groups.

In terms of shipping cooperation, shipping companies in the three provinces are encouraged to establish strategies in the areas of shipping, terminals, logistics, and shipbuilding through the establishment of strategic alliances, joint ventures and cooperation, coordination of resource allocation, mutual supply of service providers, joint development of customers, and development of emerging markets. Partnerships and the establishment of a resource sharing development mechanism.

In terms of management cooperation between ports and ports, the county and city levels are encouraged to strengthen the docking for specific issues, and vigorously support the inter-provincial and city-river container public liner shipping business to consolidate and expand inter-provincial maritime cargo transportation routes. Jointly promote the construction of dry ports in Xiangyang, Changsha, and Shangrao. Research and develop "Internet + shipping" and establish a platform for water transportation logistics information in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.

In the field of safety and emergency cooperation, the establishment of a coordinated management system for overloaded sand and gravel vessels was established. They will inform each other about the information and focus on tracking ship information; open information platforms and share the basic information of maritime companies that govern companies; and establish joint emergency mechanisms for water transportation and dangerous cargo accidents at ports and dangerous conditions.

C. Bus "card" will communicate

To create a mid-triangular urban agglomeration to make life more convenient for the masses. Afterwards, the “one-card” bus carrying Wuhan can also be used for buses and subways in Changsha, Nanchang and other places. This day is no longer far away for the people in the three provinces.

It is understood that the three provinces of Fujian, Hunan, and Hubei have reached an agreement on the interoperability of city bus “one card” and are expected to be the first in the country to achieve regional “one card” operation integration, and gradually to the urban public transport, intercity bus, intercity railway, road passenger transport and other fields expand.

Hu Hanyou, chairman of Wuhan City Cards, introduced that “Wuhan Tong” has now achieved GM in the five major cities of Xiantao and Ezhou in the “Wuhan City Circle”, accumulating certain experience for the “one card” interconnection and interoperability operation. He introduced that the "Wuhan Tong" function does not only apply to traffic, but also allows small payments, collection and payment.

“The biggest obstacle in achieving interconnection is the standard issue,” said Shen Yiwu, deputy general manager of Nanchang Hongcheng Card Company. At present, Nanchang “card” card key uses the standards set by the Ministry of Housing and Construction. "There are different standards systems. On April 17th, the Ministry of Transport held a press conference to announce that the national public transport card communication and interoperability work has entered a substantive stage of advancement, and by 2020, it will basically achieve national networking. "After the standard is unified, the functions of 'One Card' in Wuhan can be achieved in Nanchang," said Shen Yiwu.

In addition to the three-provincial public transport "One Card," the three provinces of Xiaoxiang and Hubei will jointly promote the sale of tickets across the three provinces, promote the online operation of the online ticketing platform for the Jiangxi-Huzhou Hubei three bus terminal stations, and gradually realize interconnection with civil aviation and railway ticket sales systems.

It is understood that by the end of 2015, Hubei will be able to implement online ticketing for passenger stations at Grade 2 and above in the province. Jiangxi and Hunan are also accelerating the promotion of online ticketing for regional passenger stations in the province. On the basis of harmonizing related technical standards, the three provincial transport and management agencies signed a cooperation agreement to integrate the data resources of provincial road passenger transport network ticketing platforms, share data and services, and promote the online operation of the ticket sales platform of the three provinces.

If it is progressing smoothly, it is hoped that in 2017, it will be the first to realize the full coverage, all accessibility and integration of the road passenger transport network in the areas of Anhui, Hunan and Hubei. By then, passengers can use the Internet, mobile phones and outlets to purchase tickets for any bus terminal or any line in the three provinces.

D. End of year ETC Networking

As early as 2012, the four provinces of Fujian, Hunan, and Hubei had proposed to establish a unified ETC (electronic toll collection system) clearing and clearing system, but it has not been implemented. With the advancement of national ETC networking, the three provinces in the middle triangle will have ETC interconnection and interoperability at the end of this year.

On June 9th, 2014, the Ministry of Transport held a national advancement meeting on the electronic highway tolling and networking for non-stop charging in Beijing. The competent departments of transportation of all provinces set a “military order” and followed the principle of “overall planning and step-by-step implementation”. Before the end of 2015, Beijing and other 14 provinces and cities will take the lead in implementing ETC networking operations; by the end of 2015, they will basically implement ETC networking operations in all provinces, regions and cities across the country.

Hubei Province is one of the first 14 provinces (cities) to join the national ETC network. According to the unified deployment of the Ministry of Transport, the Hubei Expressway ETC is planned to be incorporated into the national expressway ETC network system by the end of June this year. A reporter from the Yangtze River Business Daily learned from the ETC Networking Center of the Hubei Provincial Communications Department that it may be difficult to implement ETC networking in Hubei province by the end of June. The specific time is uncertain.

In addition to ETC, inter-provincial bus lines will also be gradually opened to facilitate the travel of residents of the three provinces. In March 2000, the 17th bus line from the city’s first cross-provincial intercity bus line from Xiaochi Town to Jiujiang City opened. “In the beginning, private cooperation between Jiujiang and Huangmei was conducted. Cross-provinces according to the regulations should be considered long-distance. The transportation and transportation department issued a line license for bus No. 17 last year, and bus No. 17 finally had an official identity.” Huang Mei County Deputy Commissioner Wang Zheng introduced the introduction.

A reporter from the Yangtze River Business Daily learned from the Hubei Provincial Communications Department that in the future, the three provincial transport and transportation departments will accelerate the development of inter-provincial inter-provincial public transport, and the first batch of passenger transport services with good road conditions, moderate operating routes, and frequent passenger flow between neighboring counties in the three provinces. The pilot reform of the bus line, including Huangmei-Jiujiang, Jianli-Yueyang, and Laifeng-Longshan, further expands the “international bus operation mode with large-capacity shuttle bus, multi-frequency train, multi-station docking, and safe operation”. The people in the adjacent areas of the three provinces traveled.

In addition, in 2012, the Ministry of Transport promulgated the regulations. From 2 a.m. to 5 a.m., night shift drivers must stop at the nearest service area. According to Qin Jiefei, a researcher from Hubei Transport Management Bureau, the long-distance passenger transport connection is set by the company and adopts the practice of “substituting people without changing cars”. It is reported that Hunan has established the Longxi Group as the leading feeder transport alliance, and Hubei Province will establish a feeder transport alliance before and after July this year.

At present, Hubei Provincial Economist Group, Huanggang Dongfang Passenger Transport Group and Yichang Jiaoyun Group are the transportation ministers' pilot transit transport pilot enterprises, and 88 classes/143 vehicles are eligible for connection. The three provinces proposed the establishment of an inter-provincial long-distance feeder transport alliance, the Xiaoxiang E Long Distance Passenger Transport Connection Alliance, on the basis of the province's feeder transport alliances, and the establishment of an inter-provincial backbone transport enterprise alliance to coordinate the transportation route resources and jointly build and share the feeders. Site.

At the same time, the three provinces of Xiaoxiang and Hubei will also jointly promote regional cooperation in small pieces of express delivery, actively promote the cooperative development of inter-provincial passenger transportation enterprises and small pieces of express transportation enterprise alliances, integrate passenger transportation line resources, and share infrastructure networks, enterprise service networks, and information resource networks. With Wuhan, Changsha, and Nanchang as the center, it will radiate the regional small and medium-sized express service integration service network in counties and cities.

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