With the final announcement of the new commercial auto insurance fee float program in Shenzhen yesterday, the traffic violations linked to the new auto insurance will start simultaneously. The reporter learned from the Shenzhen Insurance Association that the city’s insurance industry adjusted and improved the "Shenzhen Motor Vehicle Commercial Insurance Premium Rate Float Plan" (hereinafter referred to as the "Floating Plan") on the basis of extensive solicitation of social opinions, and will operate motor vehicles in Shenzhen. Commercial insurance companies choose to use the insurance.

The reporter noted from the adjusted "Floating Plan" that, compared with the consultation draft published on November 4, 2010, the new "Floating Plan" adopted a technically feasible and socially demonstrative proposal, which is appropriate. Adjusted the floating rate of the number of compensations in the previous year. For example, if the coefficient of "6-10 claims in the previous year" was revised from 1.8 to 1.8, the coefficient value of "more than 10 claims occurred in the previous year" was revised from 3 to 2.

For the traffic violation record coefficient, it is clear that in the first year of the implementation of the plan, the previous record of traffic violations will not be traced, and the floating coefficient will be calculated from the date of implementation of the plan. At the same time, the seven types of traffic violations relating to car insurance have been clarified once again, including the driving of motorized vehicles in retrograde, retrograde driving, which do not comply with traffic light regulations, speeding over 50%, and not obtaining motor vehicle driving licenses and motor vehicles. Where driving licenses are revoked, driving motor vehicles cause traffic accidents to escape, driving illegal driving after drinking, driving illegally after drunk driving.

In addition, the new announcement also categorizes the calculation formula of the floating rate coefficient. For commercial personal vehicles, the floating rate of motor vehicle damage insurance = compensation record coefficient A risk factor B model coefficient C (1 + traffic violation Coefficient D), other risk rate floating coefficient = compensation record coefficient A risk factor B (1 + traffic violation coefficient D).

It is reported that the implementation of this rate floatation plan is to match the rate level with the vehicle risk situation and to achieve high-vehicle vehicle high-rate, low-risk vehicle low rates, and it is expected that 80% of vehicles will receive more favorable Premium discounts benefit most car owners. For the opinions that were not adopted this time, the city's insurance industry will gradually accumulate data and adopt it step by step after the conditions are ripe.

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